
How to get best out of AlmaGigster platform for your next hire?

How to get best out of AlmaGigster platform for your next hire?

If you've started using or planning to use AlmaGigste, follow these tips to ensure success for both you and your gigster.

Job description - Make sure to be accurate and upbeat! There is no need for your job description to be very long and boring. Most gigsters use their mobile devices to check for and apply to open gigs, so stay away from unnecessary text and too many buzz words. Instead, cut to the chase and keep your job description “on point” by listing essential job tasks, duties, responsibilities, and qualifications of the position.

Also, try to use positive lingo and strive for a casual style whenever possible. If you offer discounts on your products or special benefits, add them to the job description to attract more interest.

Contact info - In an ideal world, computers, apps, and internet service run 24/7 without any hitches or glitches. But in those rare cases when there is an issue on site—it’s important that gigsters can still get in touch. Make sure to provide an accurate and up-to-date point of contact information for the gig!

The schedule – Having flexible, on-demand workers means that you can schedule staff precisely when and where you need them, saving you and your business valuable time and money. In your gig posting, ensure that you clearly mention the time schedules relevant for the gig. Keeping the online schedule up-to-date and accurate each week is the key to making sure you have the right people at the right time.

Review and pool - Reducing and increasing your contingent workforce at different times of the day, month, or year requires a flexible pool of skilled gig workers. How can you ensure you have the right pool of talent? Reviews are key for hiring managers when it comes to tracking each gigster’s performance and productivity. Reviews provide managers insight into vital metrics when it comes to creating and maintaining ongoing relationships with gigsters.

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